A pile of dog's teeth

For sommeliers, ensure that drink wine in the best temperature be enjoyed is the important part of their job, for the details of the temperature control is often can better inspire a bottle of collection should be potential. These details of the temperature of a sommelier can only be distinguished by the accumulation of experience.A lot of people, and I am no exception, will tell you that the most complicated wines to learn about are Bourgogne wines. More than 10 years ago, when I was still working in a Canadian restaurant, Bourgogne wines often really confused us. The many mysterious and expensive wineries, the series of strange, difficult to pronounce and hard to remember names of French vineyards easily gave us headaches. But occasionally, one name really left a huge imprint on my mind. The vineyard was called Saint Aubin, Les Murgers des Dents de Chien. Even though I did not excel in French, I knew that the meaning was “a pile of dog teeth”! This quirky name made me remember this little, not-so-famous, village of Saint-Aubin.

Many years later, every time I take people on a tour of Bourgogne, I take them to a place that only the local people know. On the back of the famous Chevalier-Montrachet vineyards, there is a little path that goes up. Although it is not easy to go, all the people who take this path can fully appreciate the diversity of the terroir conditions and understand the difficulty of planting the land. Within half an hour, we reach the middle of the hill where there is a great panoramic view. Looking far away, we see the entire valley and three distinctive villages of Puligny-Montrachet, Chassagne-Montrachet and Saint-Aubin. There great location creates the best white Bourgogne wines vineyards.

People may admire Puligny-Montrachet and Chassagne-Montrachet’ white wine more, but I have a special love for Saint Aubin's white wine. Its geographical location is quite unique. It is located in the middle of a valley formed by Mont Rachet and Montagne du Ban. Puligny-Montrachet is in the north of the exit of the valley and Chassagne-Montrachet’ in the south. It naturally forms a tripartite shape. Saint-Aubin village’s 165 hectares of vineyards generate about 70% of white wine and 30% of red wine. I prefer the white wines. Saint-Aubin’s outstanding white wines have a charming flowery taste; thanks to the higher elevations of the vineyards, the wines have a fresh acidity and are not heavy. People love them for their minerality, their texture, and their extremely elegant body.

Today, the outstanding characteristics of Saint-Aubin are not difficult to tell anymore. With the increase of Bourgogne white wine lovers, this small village has undergone earth-shaking changes. The new generation of wine growers particularly value the management of the vineyards, to better reflect the unique conditions of Saint-Aubin's terroir. I now understand what confused me more than 10 years ago. The “pile of dog teeth” vineyard seals the most outstanding terroir of Saint Aubin. It has a steep terrain with a slope facing east, and the barren soil is full of numerous small diamond-shaped limestones. Under the sun's reflection, these white gravels resemble degraded canine incisors. From a certain perspective, they seem to remind us of the ancient history and of the profound potential of the land.

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